Personal Styling Services

Style Glow Up

Unsure of your personal style? Feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your wardrobe? It's time for a Style Glow Up. Our transformative package empowers you to define your authentic style and shop with confidence.

Together we uncover your style aspirations and challenges. We declutter your wardrobe, making room for pieces that truly reflect your unique identity. With my expert guidance, you'll embark on a curated personal shopping experience, discovering pieces that align with your newfound style.

Throughout this journey, you'll receive a personalised style guide, equipping you with the tools to effortlessly mix and match, creating versatile outfits. With the Style Glow Up package, you'll regain control of your style, exuding confidence and self-expression.

Get ready to feel empowered and excited about your wardrobe. Embrace your style journey and unlock the potential within. Experience the Style Glow Up today.

Power Shop

Elevate your style with the Power Shop package. Experience focused and efficient shopping to address your wardrobe gaps!

During a personalised style consultation, we gain a deep understanding of your style preferences and goals. The Power Shop package includes a dedicated personal shopping session carefully curating a selection of pieces that align with your unique style, ensuring each item fits perfectly and seamlessly integrates with your existing wardrobe.

You'll receive a personalised style guide, providing inspiration on how to combine new purchases with your current pieces to create versatile and cohesive outfits.

Our Power Shop package empowers you to shop with purpose and confidence, helping you build a wardrobe that truly reflects your personal style.

Virtual Styling

Discover the convenience of our Virtual Styling package. Experience personalised styling and guidance from the comfort of your own home.

Through virtual consultations conducted via Zoom, we delve into your style preferences and body shape, ensuring a tailored approach to enhance your style.

Our virtual styling journey includes expert advice on dressing for your body shape, tips on wardrobe cleansing, and guidance on mixing and matching your existing wardrobe. You'll receive a personalised style profile to define your unique style direction.

To take your virtual styling experience to the next level, I provide an online personal shopping mood board. This curated collection of items serves as inspiration for your future purchases, helping you shop with confidence.

The Virtual Styling package empowers you to elevate your style and create stylish looks, all from the convenience of your own home.