Photos by @dazephotography_

My style story

Started at the bottom of a suitcase…

As an ex-finance professional turned personal stylist, expert style educator and style coach - you could say my journey here wasn’t exactly straight forward…

… although the best journeys rarely are, right?

Following a path I’ve undeniably been led to

From the fast-paced world of finance to frequent-flying and living on-the-go as a management consultant in Bangkok, I knew a thing or two about the significance of building a personal brand and how your style speaks volumes about who you are. Yet, my own clothing choices were dominated by a sea of black, grey and navy. I’d lost touch with my style. I no longer felt like myself.

Returning to Melbourne, I often felt like I had nothing to wear. Weekends and social events became overwhelming challenges - don’t even ask me about the time I arrived at my niece’s birthday party wearing a work-shirt. But it became the moment I knew I needed to make a change…

So I embarked on a transformative journey
to rediscover my personal style

Today, I can confidently say that redefining my own style changed the trajectory of my life.

I finally feel connected to who I actually am.


It’s this beautiful background that is now
the foundation to my success

I’ve been told once or twice it’s what makes me a relatable speaker, panel presenter and style educator. Because while I’ve been stuck in a style rut myself, I’ve gone deep to learn how to dress with purpose, style with ease and discover how to express myself through an intentional style journey that I now teach to women worldwide.


personal shopping melbourne

Photos by @dazephotography_


Colour and fashion psychology

Revealing your personal style and expressing your authentic self

Redefining your style mindset

How to shop mindfully to create
a sustainable wardrobe

Strengthening personal branding through
the power of strategic-style

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personal stylists melbourne

Something else on your mind?

I’d love to chat to you about tailoring a specific style talk for you and your audience.